Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday with Grams and Gramps

Grandma Maggie and Grandpa Craig came over for Sunday dinner tonight. Holland had so much fun!! She was silly and energetic and I'm so glad that we had grandma and grandpa come early enough so that Holland would not be Miss-Cranky-Pants-I'm-Ready-For-Bed. Holland's favorite part of the night was knocking over the towers of blocks that grandma would build. So fun!

Grandpa Craig is having a biopsy later this week and asked Tyler to give him a blessing while they were here for dinner. I love being witness to the Spirit working through those who hold the Priesthood, especially when it is my own husband. I am so grateful that Tyler is a worthy Priesthood holder who presides over and blesses our family in countless ways. We hope everything goes great for Grandpa!

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